The MLKCC is here to announce its charitable efforts and support for the Salvation Army in opening a new lodging facility aimed at assisting not only men, but now helping women and families. Donations like these can make a significant impact on the community and help those in need. The collaboration with the Economic Development committee of the MLKCC and the generous support of Michael Smith and Freeport LNG, Inc. demonstrates the power of community partnerships in making a positive difference in the lives of those who require assistance. Such acts of kindness and generosity play a crucial role in creating a more inclusive andRead More →

The Martin Luther, King Jr. Celebration Committee is proud to present it over $28,000 to community organizations in the form of grants. Each organization received a grant of $3,500 for continued service to the community. George Washington Carver HS Alumni Association The goal of this program is to continue to identify recent high school graduates and to assist them to find jobs in the local job markets. Jobs include certification in health care related fields, skilled laborers, license jobs and vocational jobs.  This program will continue to assist students in job placement seeking completion of non- traditional trade programs. Scholarships will be provided to students to attendRead More →

In the spirit of recognizing senior citizens for World Senior Citizens Day, The Martin Luther King Jr Celebration Committee (MLKCC) sponsored its second Senior Citizen Recognition Day on August 19th at the GMZ Event Center in Brazoria. The event included: Health screening for blood pressure; AC1 testing provided by Texas A & M Health Diabetes Education Program – Healthy South Texas; Informational booths on the OLLIE’s program offered by UTMB Health and the ALL of US National Research Health Program; A presentation and information on hurricane Preparedness by Brazoria County Emergency Management, and lunch. Those in attendance also received a registration bag that included handRead More →