Dorothy Thomas is a registered dietitian nutritionist and is currently employed by Matagorda Regional Medical Center. She has worked within the health care industry, a Fortune 500 company, and held several roles within local and state government since 1973. She has been involved with the committee since 1988 and is also an active member of the Brazosport Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dorothy has two sons and seven grandchildren. She tries to live her life according to God’s word and the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

Sharon J. Barnes worked for a Fortune 500 Company for over 20 years and is currently employed as the Chief Human Resources Officer at the San Jose Clinic in Houston. She has been a member of MLKCC for 18 years. She currently serves on the boards of the Texas Medical Board and the Boys and Girls Club of Brazoria County. She is a member of the Houston NAACP and Director of Policy for the Brazosport Fine Arts Council. She was awarded the Martin Luther King Celebration Committee of Brazoria County’s 2016 MLK Drum Major Award.

Will Brooks is a native of Pecos, Texas and a retired instrument/electrical/analytical leader after 47 years with a Fortune 500 company. He has been a member of the committee for 31 years. He served as an elected council member of the city of Lake Jackson from 2012-2017. Will and his wife Alicia have two sons, Will II and Princeton, as well as two granddaughters. Will loves his Lord and Savior and working with people as he serves at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Clute, Texas.

Lois Davis is a retired high school educator and has been a member since moving to the Brazosport area over 27 years ago. She serves on the various committees within MLKCC. She is a board member of the Education Foundation of BISD and an active member of the Brazosport Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Lois has directed several performances for MLKCC as well as numerous plays at Brazosport Center Stages community theater. She is married to Jesse Davis and they have three children, seven grandchildren and a great grandson.

Pastor L.C. Dews has been affiliated with the committee since 1989. He has been the pastor at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church since 1988. In 2012, he became the moderator of the Lincoln Southern District Association of Texas as well as holding leadership positions with other faith-based and medical services corporations. Pastor Dews has two degrees from Union Baptist Bible College and Seminary in addition to a Doctor of Divinity Degree from Gospel Ministry Outreach Institute. He has been married to wife Willie Robinson for over 50 years and together they have a son, two daughters and three grandchildren.

Carolyn Edwards is currently employed by Brazosport ISD after retiring from a Fortune 500 company with 25 years of service. She has been affiliated with MLKCC for more than 30 years. She is an active member of the Brazosport Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Brazoria County Debutante, and board member with Brazosport Center Stages. She is the widow to the late Dennis R. Edwards who served as MLKCC Chairperson from 1988-2003. Because Carolyn values education and takes pride in working in her community, she was lead to establish a scholarship in Dennis’ honor in 2003. She loves spending time with family–especially her mom, children and grandchildren.

As a co-founder of MLKCC, Terry D. Gordon has been committed to the success and stature of the organization. He retired from a Fortune 500 company after 36 years. He currently serves as a deacon, trustee and choir member at First Missionary Baptist Church in Angleton, Laymen President of Lincoln Southern District Association, Laymen Vice President of BM&E State Convention of Texas and a member of Rho Xi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. He and his wife Faye have two children, Jamila (Brent) Hernandez and Sadiki, and one granddaughter, Cadence Noelle.

Mary Frances Hall is a retired educator with Texas AgriLife Extension Service. She has been a member of MLKCC since 1987 and served as the first Treasurer of the organization. She is an active member of First Missionary Baptist Church in Angleton, The Auxiliary of Angleton Danbury/UTMB, The Gathering Place-Interfaith Ministries and the Brazosport Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She is married to Curtis Hall, Sr., and they have two children, Curtis Jr. (Kimberly), Katerina, and one grandson, Kurtis Nathanael. She enjoys working with people and helping others learn to help themselves.

Cornell White maintains stewardship for the financial assets of MLKCC. She oversees management of all treasury operations and financial transactions for the Organization. She has been a member of MLKCC since 2017 and has supported the organization throughout its inception. She serves on the Juneteenth Celebration Committee of Brazoria County and is a member of the Brazosport Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She has two sons, Terel and Lt. Commander Terence White, and the grandmother of three.

Esther Williams is currently employed by Brazosport College and has been a member of the committee for 15 years. Over the span of her career, Esther has worked in various positions with Corporate America and the judicial system. She currently serves on the board for Head Start of Brazoria County and the Selective Service System. She is married to Minister Dale Williams and they have two children Melissa and Eric (Audrey), and two grandchildren. She enjoys helping others and spending time with family.

Jessica Willis retired as a special education teacher with Angleton ISD after 19 years of service. She has been a member of MLKCC for 13 years. She is a member of First Missionary Baptist Church, Angleton, where she serves as a leader of the Usher’s ministry, vice-president of the Mission, and teacher for the Women’s Sunday school class. Jessica is a widow and has four children and eight grandchildren. Her favorite MLK quote is “What are you doing for others?”