MLK Poster Essay Contest Winners Announced

The MLK Awards program was recently held on Feb. 17 for the winners of the annual MLK Poster and Essay Contest on the campus of Brazosport College. The awards and prizes were sponsored and donated by MLK Celebration Committee Inc., HEB, BASF/ African American Employee Group and Brazosport College.  A Big Thank you to our sponsors of this event.

Poster Contest:

Ages 11-12

First Place – Rachael Brown– Roger Middle School- Pearland ISD

Second Place –Jaren Branch– Angleton Jr. High- AISD

Ages 13-15

First Place –Brynna Willis-Brazosport Christian School

Second Place – Jillian Garrett-Brazosport Christian School

Third Place – Callie Montgomery-Glenda Dawson High School-Pearland ISD

Ages 16-18

First Place – Joshua Hillman -Sweeny High School – Sweeny ISD

Second Place – Mary Claire Hughes -Glenda Dawson High School-Pearland ISD

Third Place – Michael Edwards, Brazosport High School-BISD



Grades 6-7

First PlaceJaren Branch – Angleton Junior High- AISD

Second PlaceAndrew Hillman – Sweeny Junior High School – Sweeny ISD

Third PlaceMiniaya White – Sweeny Junior High School – Sweeny ISD

 Grades 8-9

 First Place – Kaylie Hoffman – Sweeny High School – Sweeny ISD

Second PlaceEmma McCurdy – Sweeny High School – Sweeny ISD

Third PlaceCallie Montgomery-Glenda Dawson High School – Pearland ISD

Grades 10-12

First PlaceMichael Edwards – Brazosport High School – BISD

Second PlaceJoshua Hillman -Sweeny High School – Sweeny ISD

Third PlaceMary Claire Hughes– Glenda Dawson High School – Pearland ISD